Sick of taking pills for relief?
Sick of taking pills for relief?
Introducing the ultimate natural pain-killer.
Yes, it's even better than an NSAID.

Muscle, Joint, Nerve Relaxer

Epsom Salt
Full Spectrum CBD
Vitamin E
...that's it.
How it works
Our bodies have five major organs that serve as detoxification pathways — our skin, lungs, kidneys, colon, and liver. The skin is the largest organ in the body and acts as a porous passageway. Our detoxifying bath formulas contain powerful ingredients that help bind to and eliminate toxins through your skin, and trigger the natural detoxification process of your kidney and liver.
Potent Ingredients
Our soaks are a combination of salts, superfoods, binders, vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and essential oils that restore your body to its maximum health. Along with detoxification, our six formulas target specific symptoms so you can always rely on our soaks, no matter how you're feeling.
We're doing our best to not add toxins back into the environment. Our products are made with organic ingredients that are farmed without chemicals that cause damage to our soils, and natural dyes instead of synthetic dyes that pollute our waterways. Our packaging is made from plants and naturally biodegrades within a year. We plant one tree per order and buy carbon credits to offset our shipping emissions.
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